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Rising Woman EP

Léa Mondo

Wah Wah 45s
WAHDIG184 | 2024-05-17  
Wah Wah 45s are proud to present the debut EP from a very special new artist, Léa Mondo, entitled Rising Woman.

Hailing originally from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, by way of Manchester, and now settled in North London, this young singer-songwriter and guitarist enjoys a plethora of eclectic influences. Léa's musical output is a smorgasbord of experimental styles fusing aspects of soul, high life, bossa-nova, jazz and reggae. Drawing inspiration from reggae icon Bob Marley, and Malian artists such as Fatoumata Diawara and Rokia Traorè, as well as Nigerian born UK soul superstar Sade, her music largely talks about life, love, peace and freedom while reflecting on the state of the world.

The EP is made up of a collection of songs Léa wrote between 2018 and 2023. Thematically it's about rising from the ashes after being burnt by the trials and tribulations of life, shedding away the overgrown skin and living in your truth. The EP takes the listener on a genre bending musical journey of experiences Léa had endured from her discovery of spirituality, through to politics, mental health and self love. She questions herself, the world and political norms whilst still finding peace within the duality of life. This is Lea's first extended musical offering to the industry, made up of songs that have played a pivotal role in making her the woman she has become.

The Rising Woman EP is bookended by the song Mwasi / Kitoko, split into two parts and which translates to Beautiful / Woman. Lea explains more:

"In this two part track, I chant in my native Congolese language Lingala whilst gazing at and admiring a Congolese woman with her natural hair and her traditional clothes waltzing down the street, free and just being herself. The inspiration came from Getz Gilberto's The Girl From Ipanema. I also wanted to write a song that put black women in a positive light as I feel that society has normalised viewing black women through a derogatory lense, not allowing us to just exist in all of our facets. This song is also me speaking to my inner child and letting her know that she's beautiful just the way she is and that she doesn't have to conform to European beauty standards to fit in."

Lea's debut single, Heights Of Love, is a song about unrequited affection that focuses on Léa reflecting on a past situation-ship. The song is a fusion of soul, jazz and bossa nova influences. The singer's heartfelt lyrics explore the vulnerable state that one feels while going through rejection, making it a relatable, but at the same time an instantly catchy love song.

Follow up single, Vices, focuses on Lea's personal struggles. Her lyrics explore the highs and lows of addictions and her history of poor relationship choices. Drawing influences from Red Hot Chilli Peppers (Californication) drums and arrangements, the melody of the tune is curated in a way to take the listener on a journey that leads to a climax to convey the feeling one feels when they're coming up, to eventual peak.

Similarly, the third single to be released from the EP, entitled Nah Mate, is a song about warding off negative energy from people and situations that aren't serving your life. It's about not dimming your light for anyone and learning to confront issues head on, communicating in a healthy, positive way. The idea for the track came from Léa's love of Y2K R&B, soul and pop from artists such as Lauryn Hill, TLC, Blaque and Aaliyah. The track features vocalist Tiece who brings a neo-soulful, electric blues edge to the proceedings.

Finally, the previously unreleased song, Brave New World, takes its inspiration from Aldous Huxley's book of the same name. It's a song about the dangers and pitfalls of consumer culture. Léa sings once again in her mother tongue - this in fact being the first song she ever wrote in her native language.

Léa will be celebrating the release of the EP on Friday 24th May at 91 Brick Lane, Londonwith support from Mrs Luna & DJ Dom Servini.

"I'm excited about this one! It's gorgeous." - Deb Grant (BBC 6 Music)
"Yes!" - Robbie Vincent (Jazz FM)
"Great flows!" - Thristian BPM (Rinse FM)
"A wonderful new soul voice – excited to hear what comes next." - Aly Gillani (Bandcamp weekly)

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